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New Etruscan archaeological site discovered in Rome during gas station construction work

They have discovered a new Etruscan archaeological site in an excavated terrain. on its periphery during the works of a gas station on the outskirts of Rome. This discovery testifies to a millennium of history from the Etruscan civilization to the Roman imperial era.

The Special Superintendence of the capital announced this Tuesday. the extraordinary opening of this deposit on Sunday morning.The site is located on the Via Cassia, one of the arteries of ancient and modern Rome, which links the capital with the area around the city. The site is located on the Via Cassia, one of the arteries of ancient and modern Rome, which links the capital with the Tuscan area.

Specifically, it is located in the territory where the ancient city of Veio or Veyes, one of the most important of the Etruscans, was located. This civilization was the inhabitant of these lands before the founding of the culture Roman culture. Excavations provide evidence of more than a thousand years of history, from Etruscan times to the era of imperial Rome. The most ancient find, dated between the 7th-6th century B.C.It is an Etruscan tomb with a grave goods of more than 60 vases and decorated ceramics inside.

In the period of the late Roman Republic, in the place there was a farm that in the 1st century BC, was transformed into an agricultural village. In fact, the territory had a great agricultural activity until the 18th century..

Also found in the area is a mansioa resting station for the travelers. The area had a thermal facility and a paved roadway, now partially restored.

To allow the visit, the superintendency explained that. has built a pedestrian walkway inside the service station of the road. This will make it possible to pass near the aforementioned tomb, an Etruscan chamber, the roadway or a pipe system.


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